Monday, January 26, 2009

"In Me She Finds The Strength To Go On"

She bears the burden of the man she loves
She took his place when he was at war
But he seems to have forgotten his true love
Along with his hopes and dreams after the war

He speaks to her but his voice is different
His mind is empty w/ no memories of the past
She sees him wandering the house aimlessly
Searching for something he longs to have last

But he can't remember how it used to feel
To hold and to touch his only one true love
The night is worse when the light goes out
He only see things he has seen enough

His children asks him "are you my hero dad?"
The hero mom has been waiting for?
He wants to answer "yes I am your hero dad"
Yet, the answer is always something more

More stories of war and the friends he has lost
And wounds that will never again be mend
He wants to share his pain and sadness
But all they want is for him to be a friend..

and a father.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Magic Moments Are Short!

Is that whispers of the new born buds
singing shyly in the dawn of light?
Through the garden, their voices echo
celebrating the end of a long cold night!

Their petals are off, their filaments now dance
and sway they move to the morning breeze
and filled the garden with their fragrance
to welcome the touch of the golden bees

So many blossoms in pink, red and white
like lavender silks caressing the sky
And brightly reflected each new bud shines
on the edge of a new born delight

Along the horizon the sparks are now fierce
The sun is now up the day is now here
the blazing ray like arrowheads
ready to strike but then disappear

Saved by the clouds the buds renounce
The golden bees have finally arrive
And in a sacred second the two unites
to deliver the breathe of a new life!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Finding that Perfect Balance

The twist and turn of this narrow path now appears more timid then it once used to look. Is the path of righteousness that hard to follow along? To keep the head clear; the eyes straight; the mind focus, and the heart at peace, maybe it is truly not an easy task. More than often, there are nights when dreams and nightmares cause us to shiver in the middle of the dark. In those moments, our mind summons images of the past that we have tried to suppress. Whether it is a dream or a nightmare, those moments still questions our very own identity.

The question we truly should ask ourselves is whether we really know who we are or what we want out of this life? It is a hard question to answer and for most of us, we have reverted to the "generic life plan" adopted by individuals who believes that money is the vessel to happiness.

As important as it seems, money is merely a concept. A twisted concept that has people selling their individuality, ideas, creativity, and their time for a penny? a dollar? a few dollar? Well, then some may argue how else can be we live if we don't have money? I would answer, live with balance. Do not live for the sole purpose of money but for TIME.

Time is precious and limited. Our mind tells us there is always tomorrow, but how many more tomorrow are we truly entitled to? That we do not know. A car accident, a plan crash, a sickness, anything single event can make it our last day.

For the men: Don't let work consumes you. Your wife is waiting at home with dinner.

For the women: Don't make you husband have to look for love somewhere else.

For the fathers: Your kid needs you to tuck them into their cozy bed.

For the mothers: Your baby needs you more then they need the extra cash. The babysitter can never be a better mom than you can.

Try finding happiness in the combination of education, career, and family. For some of us, this "combination" has driven us to pursue our goals, hopes, and dreams, which all sums up to one word, happiness.

There is no such thing as perfection, but there is balance. Try not to let a single entity consumes you and abandon the rest.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

He who regrets

The night has arrived, he waits till it knocks.
He waits with pain in his thickened heart.
Till it comes, his eagerness won't subside.
And when it does come, she will be by his side.

He lays in darkness, soaked in his own grief.
Reminiscing of his long lost love.
His heart weakened, his pain won't dissipate.
Where is She, He anticipates.

Can She find him, He jumped at the thought?
Then tears came storming down his cheek.
He can no longer wait; the pain is too deep.
The night is gone; he now must sleep.

He closed his eyes and rested his head.
A light sensation of longing ahead.
And in his sleep, she came to his side.
At last, she came to his side......

Why the sad face, he looked deep into her eyes.
And found the answer he can no longer deny.
A moment of truth, now a lifetime of regrets.
She was once alive till he became drunken upset.
