Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Don't look back, just go forward!

When life seems tough and shadow begins to cast over our hope and dreams, we should not forget that after every storm is another beautiful sunny day. 

We should not dread when there is a problem. It may seem hard to overcome at first but the truth is there's a solution for everything. We must stay positive, analyze the situation, approach it in a systematic way, and believe that any action is better than no action at all. 

It helps to visualize our life as a roller coaster ride. A constant, yet fast speed turbulance of both fear and excitement. A bundle of fear and excitement bound together in an inseparable fashion. The fear of what might happen if we fall and yet we are heightened by the excitement of the speed, the wind, and the uncontrollable acceleration. Ironically, we love this feeling. 

Just like our lives. It is filled with surprises. Without pain we can not appreciate happiness. Similarily, without happiness we can not feel alive. We love our family, our friends, not because they are more special than anyone else, we love them because they assure us that we are still alive, we belong, we have responsibilities; we have to stay alive to take care of them. They are our hands and feet, our heart and soul, our purpose in life. 

So when life seems tough and shadow begins to cast over our hope and dreams, we should not forget that behind every shadow is another familiar face, our friends, our love ones, and our beautiful family. 

There is no reason to fear...don't look back, just go forward!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Today...Tomorrow...which is more important?

Do not wonder where tomorrow will lead you if today you can not find your way. 

We all have the tendency to think about the fruitful accomplishments of tomorrow without realizing that today is where everything begins. The past is the foundation of knowledge gained; the present is the core of success, and tomorrow is nothing but a wishful thinking. It is always a must to have plans for the future but lets not forget that if we do not work hard today then that bright, wonderful, future dream of ours will never come true. 

A wise person once told me life goes through stages. The cycle is inevitable, but if it happens out of order, then life itself has taken the path of complexity. The moment of birth marks our first adventure on this planet. It is the moment of greatest pleasure for we can have anything and everthing without even a word; we just cry! The sad part is that we didn't even know the difference until it is too late. By the time we know that we even existed, our lovely eight o'clock alarm reminds us everyday that our sole purpose on this planet is to sit in a desk eight hours a day listening to some stranger talk about math and history. It should be even more comforting knowing that the eight o'clock alarm doesn't ever go off. It stays on for the next 60 something years till we can finally retire. 

But as soon as we have finished highschool, assuming that we will graduate from highschool, the real test of life begins. It is now the cycle of application. It is taking what we have learned in the past 12 years and applying to our own liking. It sounds easy but making some of those decisions are more challening then we might believe. For instances, making decisions whether to continue with our education, go to work, or get marry and start a family. All of the above requires some sort of prior arrangement or preparation. 

Either way, we all work at some point in our life, but the difference is the choice of work we decide to pursue. Lets hope that we are all wise enough to at least obtain some kind of a degree so that we can actually choose something we like to do (even though this will never be true). 

It seems pretty manageable if things happen in this order, however, if for instance marriage happens before completion of schooling or if having kids before being financially stable, well things can be a little complex.  

This is not to say that complexity isn't interesting in itself. I guess it is a matter of personal choice. For some of us, logistics and algorithms are always nicer.


It took me 26 years to realize that life is no more than an illusion. An illusion that we shape in the comfort of our own mind. Even then, the dynamic nature of our personality elucidates its inconsistency through joy and happiness, saddness and pain, anger and frustration, and yet we have the capability to control it to fit our own expectation. 

Everyday of our life we are challenged with the illusion that we have created for ourselves. The formulated vision that we set forth depicts our past, present, and our future behavior. For if it wasn't our mindset that triggers certain action then we wouldn't have to display certain reactions. This action-reaction creates a dynamic environment whereby each day is different, each conversation is new, each dream is unique, and each nightmare frightens us differently. Yet somehow, they all merge like the rain drops sending its ripples across the open pond. In the end, all the ripples merge and once again the peacefulness of the water surface returns. 

Unfortunately, we can not accept the fact that we are who we created. We do not like to think that bad thing happens because we make mistakes. Just like Galelio's prostulate, " if you dropped two balls of similar material but different weights off the Leaning Tower of Pisa, they would hit the ground at the same time". An insanely bold assumption at one point in time now is the basis of our physics. The truth is, the less likely something seems may mean the more it might likely be so. 

If we are to beleive that we can shape our own illusion, then we should make an effort to sculp happiness instead of sadness, joy instead of grief, and pleasure instead of pain. 

We get to decide how a conversation with our significant others turn out. 

We can make it a memorable one or we can turn it into a big fight. 

We can enjoy each other's company through compromise or...

We can indulge ourselve in our own pride and dignity and sacrifice time that we could have had with them.

Life is too short for moments that do not count.

Our actions are predetermined and our reactions are created by design.

Let it be a good design.

Let it start today.