Monday, December 15, 2008


It took me 26 years to realize that life is no more than an illusion. An illusion that we shape in the comfort of our own mind. Even then, the dynamic nature of our personality elucidates its inconsistency through joy and happiness, saddness and pain, anger and frustration, and yet we have the capability to control it to fit our own expectation. 

Everyday of our life we are challenged with the illusion that we have created for ourselves. The formulated vision that we set forth depicts our past, present, and our future behavior. For if it wasn't our mindset that triggers certain action then we wouldn't have to display certain reactions. This action-reaction creates a dynamic environment whereby each day is different, each conversation is new, each dream is unique, and each nightmare frightens us differently. Yet somehow, they all merge like the rain drops sending its ripples across the open pond. In the end, all the ripples merge and once again the peacefulness of the water surface returns. 

Unfortunately, we can not accept the fact that we are who we created. We do not like to think that bad thing happens because we make mistakes. Just like Galelio's prostulate, " if you dropped two balls of similar material but different weights off the Leaning Tower of Pisa, they would hit the ground at the same time". An insanely bold assumption at one point in time now is the basis of our physics. The truth is, the less likely something seems may mean the more it might likely be so. 

If we are to beleive that we can shape our own illusion, then we should make an effort to sculp happiness instead of sadness, joy instead of grief, and pleasure instead of pain. 

We get to decide how a conversation with our significant others turn out. 

We can make it a memorable one or we can turn it into a big fight. 

We can enjoy each other's company through compromise or...

We can indulge ourselve in our own pride and dignity and sacrifice time that we could have had with them.

Life is too short for moments that do not count.

Our actions are predetermined and our reactions are created by design.

Let it be a good design.

Let it start today.

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